
Erika Austin ( is a consultant for Advokate. We asked her to write a blog post about Google Places. Google Places is a free way for businesses to verify their businesses location and provide more information to their customers. You are able to edit your business...

And we're off! For those of you just tuning in, Advokate owner/operator Kate Austin-Avon is nine months pregnant. The latest development is that he's breech (stubborn little bugger). So now we're talking about a scheduled C-section, likely for August 22, which is just exactly two weeks...

A few weeks ago I received a call from an ambassador with the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce, letting me know that I've been nominated as Independent Small Business of the Year. Whoa! I've been more than happy with my daily recognition that comes in...

A potential client mentioned yesterday that she just started following my Advokate blog and commented that I haven't updated in a while. Perhaps it's time to mention the reasons behind that. One of them is that Advokate is rocking and rolling right along and it's...

So, here's the new website! With the new year, it felt like time for a bit of a revamp. That saying about how the cobbler's kids have no shoes? That was Advokate's old site. Wrapped up with client's websites, it never got much attention for itself....