
Faster than doing it yourself! More powerful than computer help from your cousin's nephew! Able to create small websites in a single week! Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Advokate! Yes, it's Advokate, strange visitor from another planet, who came to Earth with powers...

Call me sentimental, but I really wanted to send thank-you cards to my customers in recognition of my first year in business. I realize that so many folks who set out to start something don't get this far, and it's really because I know so...

Earlier this week the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce sent an e-blast with an announcement about a workshop with Mannix Marketing. I signed up right away, thinking it would be awesome to learn more about the topics mentioned from an expert in her field. Immediately...

Last week the buzz about town was about independently-owned downtown bookstore Red Fox Books closing their doors. Now I've just heard that Wholy Crepe, a downtown eatery, is packing up to move to more fertile ground. A few weeks ago, a shop that sold ecofriendly...

I've got a Request for Proposal here that I've been working on and stressing over for two weeks now. It's due tomorrow. And it's a big deal. Because of this RFP, I've given myself a crash course in subcontracting, non-disclosure agreements, proposal outlines, and all the...

Lately I've been thinking about the importance of doing what you say you're going to do. It pretty much drives everything I'm involved with. [caption id="attachment_1829" align="alignright" width="300"] Smug Kate. Upset Erika. The usual.[/caption] When we were kids, my sister and I fought. A lot. One of...