Spring Cleaning! 5 Tips for dusting off your marketing strategy

Spring Cleaning! 5 Tips for dusting off your marketing strategy

The office windows are open and a breeze is wafting through. We can hear the bustling little city of Glens Falls below as we type away. Spring is here! Spring is a time for renewal and rejuvenation. That goes for your home, yourself and your branding, too.

Here are some of our top tips for dusting off your marketing strategy.

1. Clean-up your social media presence

Make sure your social is up-to-date with your brand’s latest images and video. Take a look from an outsider’s perspective. If you were scrolling through Instagram or Facebook in your PJ’s on a Sunday night, would you follow you? Now is the time to change anything you feel you’ve outgrown or to shift your focus. Double check your branding guidelines. Are you still following them or have you deviated? If you have, maybe it’s time for a change.

TIP: You can write down post ideas and/or use an online grid like Planoly. Don’t forget you can schedule out your Facebook posts so they roll out when the majority of your audience is online. Just check your insights!

2. Update your logo

Just like with your social, it’s good to see your logo with a pair of fresh eyes. There’s a quote along the lines of “Don’t stay with a mistake just because you invested so much in making it.” It’s okay to let something go if it no longer fits your vision, mission or brand. It doesn’t have to be a complete overhaul but maybe there are ways to inject new life into your logo. What are the key elements of your design that speak to your clients? What makes you recognizable? These are the elements you’ll want to keep and re-work. Bounce the ideas around with your co-workers and regular customers; see if they like the idea of switching things up.

TIP: If something feels off about your logo, print it out in large format and really take time to analyze what is making you feel this way. Gather your team and make some notes right on the paper.

3. Do what you’ve been putting off

Is there something in your business you keep bumping to the bottom of your to-do list? Do it now! Invest in SEO for your website and drive up that traffic, go live on your social to showcase a new product or service, make a new hire, work with that influencer whose Instagram you’ve been stalking for the past year, re-design your business cards and actually go to those networking and business events you clicked “interested” on Facebook. Find out what scares you the most and do that first. Keep track of where your business is before you take the leap and then assess 3 months later, 6 months, a year and see how far you’ve come and what you can check off next.

TIP: Create a vision board for your business! Collaborate with your co-workers and hang it in the office. Having a daily visual reminder is a creative way to keep your goals top of mind.

4. Refresh your contact lists

Make sure your contacts are up to date. It’s important to check-in and make sure you are still reaching your core demographic. Do a deep-dive into your email marketing analytics and see what’s working and who you’re reaching. This is the perfect time to start a sales funnel with a newsletter sign-up or a giveaway. Anything that prompts folks to give you their email is a great way to bolster your reach and gather up-to-date client contacts. Make a creative post that reminds people to send you their updated email so they don’t miss out on anything, FOMO is real and it can be your marketing friend!

TIP: Jot down some email subject headings and content that would make you click and open an email and see how those can be applied to your business.

5. Tidy up your SEO

Streamline your SEO by making sure you are keeping up with the latest trends. Double check that your keywords still reflect your content and vice versa. Comb through for irrelevant and low search volume keywords and drop them. Decide whether to drop or ramp up spend on low-to-no impression keywords. SEO is one of the most overlooked aspects of digital marketing. Increase your reach while cleaning up the usability of your website. Google makes thousands of changes per year to their algorithms so don’t get lost in the shuffle! Being proactive and monitoring for major algorithm changes is always going to benefit the brands doing so.

TIP: Don’t bang your head against your keyboard trying to decipher all this. Invest in your success and contact an expert!

Need our help with anything listed above? Let’s set a time to chat: advokate.net/date

Caitlin Stedman

In addition to being Advokate's Marketing & Communication Director, I own the film production company Snarky Aardvark Films, LLC, in Queensbury where I live with my dog, Vinny. Helping people succeed in a way that aligns with their values is my passion. I enjoy planning and executing anything clients may need to thrive. My work experience is varied but it all centers around community interaction and project management. I especially love Instagram!