Meet our Interns: Bella and Sarah!

Two interns smiling in the Advokate office. Bella on the left and Sarah on the right.

Meet our Interns: Bella and Sarah!

Glens Falls High School teacher, Mr. Robert Amberger, referred two interns to Advokate. We are pleased to welcome Sarah and Bella to Team Advokate! Bella was just elected Senior Class President! So far they have joined us for our Team Meeting, worked on some community projects, and written the following blog posts to introduce themselves.

Bella’s Blog

Hello I am Bella Feliciano, and I am 16 years old. I enjoy many activities such as Basketball, Field Hockey, Dancing, Shopping, and Traveling. I have 3 brothers, 3 dogs along with my parents all in ONE house! I live a very adventurous and busy lifestyle. I love to be social and attend many events at school or even just around town. I love being active and busy, I find the busier I am the more time I can focus on what I need to do/get done. Family time is also very important to me since I have a big family of 15 first cousins who I see on every holiday and we all live a block away from each other! Overall, I live a crazy life for a 16 year old but wouldn’t trade it for the world because I get to experience so many new and great opportunities everyday. 


Traveling is a very big part of my life so far because I feel such a connection to traveling to different places because there’s so much to see in this life. I am a traveler along with my mom so we have been to Disney 4 times, Aruba, Bahamas, Bermuda, Costa Rica, and have traveled to 18 different states so far. I plan on visiting all of the states before I’m 30 and want to travel around Europe after I graduate from college along with some tropical islands as well. I’m very fortunate to be able to travel so much.  My favorite place I’ve traveled to is the Black Sand Beach in Costa Rica. 

My Future

In the future, I’d love to either own my own Clothing Business or run a Social Media Page for a professional sports team. I want to live exactly where I grew up in Glens Falls but allow for my own business to be known nationally or if I do sports media travel for my job. I’m excited about this internship because I feel it can really allow me to learn about what it takes to run or start your own business or even build a website and do media. I’m very thankful for the opportunity I have now with this internship because it can really start me in the right direction in the Business world. 


Here are some of my favorite photos!!


Sarah’s Blog

Hello!! I am Sarah Wolfstich and this is a little bit about myself:))

My personal hobbies are playing sports, going shopping, traveling, being at the beach and hanging out with my friends.

My favorite sport is basketball but I also am the goalie on the soccer team. Sports have been something I have done since I was little and have always enjoyed, as I got older to where I am now it’s something I can do to get my mind off of things. 

I love traveling and being at the beach, my favorite two places on this Earth that cannot be replaced are Beach Haven, NJ on Long Beach Island and Cape Cod. Both have very special meanings to me. My mom grew up on Long Beach Island and we get to hear so many amazing stories. She grew up there and I’m lucky to say the same. We go down every single summer and rent a house for a week.

Cape Cod is a special place to me because we go multiple times a summer. My dads side of the family owns a house in Falmouth, Cape Cod. It’s beautiful and I am so lucky to have so many memories there. The other spot on Cape Cod that means alot to me is Chatham, Cape Cod because one of my two sisters lives down in Chatham all summer. With this we get to make many trips down and visit her and go to the beach, etc.

I am very excited about this internship because I love starting new things. I can tell this is really something I am going to enjoy. Business has always been something I am interested in. I’m not sure what area I want to further study in my future but I am keeping a very open- mind because all of the different business areas I have learned so far I thoroughly enjoy.

My dream future would look like…

Living in Cape Cod or Nantucket and owning my own coffee shop. While the dream is to own a coffee shop, I still don’t know if this is the only area I want to study in college in the business area. There are so many great options and so much to choose from.

Here are some pictures that really show my personality:

Kate Austin-Avon

Kate E. Austin is known for her creative advocacy. She is a regular speaker on branding and social media with educational institutions and Chambers of Commerce. She owns and operates Advokate, LLC. Currently she serves on the boards of the Glens Falls Business Improvement District, is on the World Awareness Children’s Museum’s Advisory Council, and is involved in the Jackson Heights PTA. Originally from Killington, Vermont, she studied art at Hartwick College and earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Art from Empire State College. She is a mother of three.