Celebrating 10 Years – Announcing Advokate Jingles!

Illustration of the Advokate team

Celebrating 10 Years – Announcing Advokate Jingles!

Check out this awesome video Caitlin made to celebrate Advokate’s tenth anniversary! And Angie made this adorable illustration of the Advokate team. And here is what we wrote on our fifth anniversary, which doesn’t seem so long ago.

Advokate is here to help you fly.

As I look back on ten years in business, I am filled with gratitude for our clients, our community, and our team. I can’t even start to list the clients because I know I’ll miss one of them, but I feel so fortunate to have crossed paths with every single one of you. Our clients make Advokate what it is, and we have evolved as we rise to meet your needs. I am confident that we will continue to morph over the next ten years, and couldn’t be happier with a business model that wraps our arms around our clients to support them on their journey.

My kids have gotten into this show called My Magic Pet Morphle. In one episode, the character Mila needs a hot air balloon to fly and retrieve a lost birthday balloon, so Morphle becomes a hot air balloon. Mila needs to get over a tree blocking the road, so Morphle becomes a kangaroo to jump over the tree. I think Advokate is like Morphle in that way. You tell us what you need, and we’ll help you, even if we need to evolve to do it. We are here to help you figure out a way to get it done.

During the pandemic, we have been alongside you while you get online or shift gears and change how you do business or plan events. In December, we took on seven new clients and launched five new websites as part of a project with Champlain College, with 17 new websites launched this year total. We met over Zoom and Slack, we worked until after midnight, we moved our office home, we juggled virtual school, and we succeeded.

We’re here to help you fly. For the last ten years, through a pandemic, and for the years to come.

Aaaaand… we have an exciting announcement to make!


Jingles are awesome. Think about it. Which of these do you NOT sing in your head as you read them? Oh, oh, oh, O’Reilly… By Mennen… The best part of waking up… Double double your refreshment… Say goodbye a little longer, make it last a little longer… Juicy Fruit, it’s gonna move ya… Give me a break, give me a break… Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow… What would you doooo for a Klondike bar?… My bologna has a first name… I want to be an Oscar Mayer weiner… I want my baby back baby back baby back… With mentos fresh and full of life…

I can still remember Stick Stickley’s address because of a song that Nickelodeon played over and over. And how many of you know whose number is 867-5309, while we’re talking about earworms?

So it’s time to get your message stuck in people’s brains, and we’re going to help you do it.

Cory and Kate can come up with tunes, Cory plays guitar, Angie is an excellent singer, and her boyfriend Brian Cieply is great on the mixing and composing side of things, plus we have connections with some of the area’s best musicians and voices. We are pleased to announce these talents for hire as Sonic Branding is a new part of Advokate’s business!

You can use your jingle on a radio ad, in YouTube videos, on podcasts or as hold music, in a radio ad or anywhere at all that uses sound!

Some of our first jingles

We decided to do some sample jingles for some of our favorite clients. Listen below!

O’Brien Insurance Jingle

Birch Bark Eatery Jingle

My Therapist’s Favorite Stories Podcast Intro

Get your FREE Jingle!

To celebrate our tenth year in business, we are giving our new jingle packages away at 60% off! Tell us TEN things you are thankful for before January 15th and the first 10 to do so will be able to purchase an Advokate jingle package for half off. One of these lucky entrants will be chosen at random to receive theirs totally FREE.

Packages start at $650 and go up from there for add-ons, so 60% off would start at $260. Your package will include a 30-minute initial conversation about the direction to go in, two chances to make changes, lyric and music writing, and 15, 30 and 60 second versions as well as the “stab” which is the name of the business and perhaps a tag line or phone number. We will choose the winner of the free jingle on January 16th!

To enter, email ten things you are thankful for to kate@advokate.net by January 15th!

Kate Austin-Avon

Kate E. Austin is known for her creative advocacy. She is a regular speaker on branding and social media with educational institutions and Chambers of Commerce. She owns and operates Advokate, LLC. Currently she serves on the boards of the Glens Falls Business Improvement District, is on the World Awareness Children’s Museum’s Advisory Council, and is involved in the Jackson Heights PTA. Originally from Killington, Vermont, she studied art at Hartwick College and earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Art from Empire State College. She is a mother of three.